April 17, 2020

I am an alcoholic, member of the Live Laugh Love group, my sobriety date is July 13th, 2008 and my name is Leslie.   I am humbled to be serving as the Chair for District 9.  My prayers and well wishes go out to all of you.  Please keep safe.  All of you are terribly important to me.  I know these are trying times and I also know we will get on the other side of this with the help of our Higher Powers and this program.  We were able to host our Spring Fling Event on March 7th.  We enjoyed chili, karaoke and a great speaker, Abby.  Thank you to Heather and the Support Your Services committee for all their hard work. As you know, our April Assembly in Boca Raton was cancelled.  Area 15 was able to do so with only an $1,800.00 cancellation fee.  The hotel initially wanted $44,000.00.  Great job there and a big thank you to Lisa D., our Area treasurer. We did go ahead and have our Pre-Conference Agenda items review with our Area 15 officers and our Delegate Shirley.  A big thank you to my District 9 trusted servants also on the call with me.  I received input from some of our groups and was able to relay same to Shirley.  The General Service Conference will be online in June.

Due to the quarantine and virus, NSU is currently closed and we are not able to use their facilities for our April district meeting or for our Old Timers event on May 2.  We are getting a credit for the missed events and it will be reflected on next year’s lease amount.  The officers and I have also gone ahead and cancelled our Founders Day Picnic at Snyder Park.  We are looking to host a virtual Founders Day celebration on Zoom.  More on that as we get closer.  The Assembly in July at the Boca Raton Marriott is still on and the flyer is on our website.  If you are staying at the Boca Raton Marriott, please use the link we sent out and the one on the flyer.  The hotel does not staff in place to take calls.

Unfortunately, the A. A. International Convention in Detroit has been cancelled but the Florida State Convention in Jacksonville is still on.  I know I have registered and am really looking forward to it.  If anything changes on that, we will let know you.

Just a note on Zoom meetings, please be mindful on where you are posting the access codes to our AA meetings.  As we get information for the good of all, we will continue to blast out to all of District 9 trusted servants.  The 2020 Grapevine is free for all to read, www.aagrapevine.org/we-are-here-to-help .

I am very grateful to everyone at District 9 who go above and beyond when it comes to service.  I can’t do any of this on my own.  I need everyone here, a reliance on a Power greater than myself and the love in these rooms.  And remember that the sun always shines in District 9.  In love and service, Leslie B. District 9 Chair.

If there are any questions, comments or you just want to say hi, my email is chairperson@district9aa.org.