Current Practices Committee

Our District Guidelines help guide us through the best possible direction in conducting our monthly business meetings. The result of these guidelines exercised will keep both ourselves and our groups we represent, well informed and ultimately help the still suffering alcohohlic who steps into our rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous.


Create a Book of Motions and District Guidelines (Book of Current Practices) from Archived District 9 minutes.

Present a report of Committee activities orally at the District meeting and in written form for inclusion in the District minutes.

Hold quarterly meetings to fulfill it's responsibilities

Update the Book of Motions and the District Guidelines (Book of Current Practices) quarterly once original books are completed.

E-mail District Web Chair each quarter an updated copy of the Book of Motions and the District Guidelines (Book of Current Practices).

Provide the District Finance Committee with an annual request for funds at budget time.

Have a question? Contact us, we would love to hear from you.