GSR Beginner Guide
“You are linking your homegroup with the whole of A.A. In 1950, a new type of trusted servant, “group representative,” was suggested to help in the selection of delegates to the newly-formed General Service Conference. By 1953, the job of ‘group representative’ was also seen as a good means of exchanging up-to-date information between individual groups and “Headquarters” (now the General Service Office). That’s still an important side of your work. But now, as general service representative, you have an even bigger responsibility: To transmit ideas and opinions, as well as facts; through you, the group conscience becomes a part of the “collective conscience of our whole fellowship,” as expressed in the General Service Conference. Like everything else in A.A., it works through a series of simple steps. (For the complete picture in detail, read The A.A. Service Manual.)” – General Service Representative pamphlet (P-19) Copyright © by Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc.
While you are anxiously awaiting the arrival of your GSR kit, you can view the contents of the kit and review the materials in it on the AAWS Website. We urge you to bring any questions you may have to the next district meeting.
District Meetings
District meetings are held once a month. These meetings are where the district conducts its business. Reports are heard from the elected officers and the committee chairs. Discussions of the business of the previous or upcoming assembly, discussions of group problems/successes, and discussions of special events such as a workshop that the district may be organizing for the general fellowship are common as well.
Be of Service
If you are an A.A. member and would like to get involved in the service structure of Alcoholics Anonymous, attend your group’s business meeting. Make yourself available to be your group’s GSR (General Service Representative) or come to the next District Business Meeting to find out more.
Meetings are held on the third Sunday of the month. Click on our Calendar to find out when the next District Meeting takes place.