January 21st, 2024


Today’s GSR Workshop was guest hosted by John. Our GSR Workshop coordinator Trish CK was out today, we wish her the best and please keep Trish and her husband Steve in your prayers.


We began the workshop by reviewing the page 7 in the service manual, “THE GROUP AND ITS GENERAL SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE”.

(Click here for a digital copy of the The A.A. Service Manual combined with Twelve Concepts for World Service – by Bill W.)

John introduced us to the AA pamphlet “The AA Group”. You can view a digital copy of this pamphlet here.

We also spoke about the ‘upside-down triangle’, located on page 3 of the Service Manual. 

While speaking about different ways we can do service in our District John also spoke about BCIC, and their guidelines, which can be found here

John referenced “Chalk Talk” with Father Martin, videos of Father Martin can be found on online.