May 21, 2023

I’m an alcoholic, Into Action is my home group, my sobriety date is March 20,1986 and my name is

Sharon G. Thank you for being here as we learn and share on Carrying the Message in District 9

Broward County. I want to acknowledge our visiting trusted servants. Thank you for being here. Most of

your district officers continue to meet monthly to better serve you. 

It’s exciting to see District 9 moving ahead with events. We enjoyed another successful Archives event, the Old Timers Meeting 

at the 101 Club. Plus, Founders Day picnic just a few weeks away. Plus, a Gratitude Dinner, the first in 4 years, on

our schedule for November 11th. Per the motion (passed last month) I signed the Contract and made our

deposit with the First Baptist Church. You will hear more about the progress of these events later in our


Evonne and I were invited to attend a group’s business meeting, by the Alt GSR. They had

some questions and concerns about how things happen in AA. We were able to explain the 3 different

service entities, Institutions, Intergroup and General Service in District 9 and how we all have the same

purpose, to carry the message, we just do it differently. We also talked about how an individual, a group, a

district or an area can submit agenda items for consideration for the General Service Conference. They

had some good questions and were appreciative of us coming to share with them. This is how the upside

triangle works, we serve up, as a district trusted servant (officers, Comm chairs, DCMs.) Yes, we are here

to serve the GSRs and the groups. Steve, Alt Chair, and I are meeting monthly with other District Chairs

and Alt Chairs with Donna W, our Area 15 Chair. We continue to share and learn from each other. We

will be having an election today for an opening for a District 9 Website Committee Chair, Deanna S

needed to step down due to time constraints. We thank her for her service. I also want to thank Harvey

and Micah for their help during this time. 

Today we will have an abbreviated business meeting so we will

have time for our Area 15 delegate, Cary, to present her General Service Conference report. Again, thank

you for being here and thank you for your service. Sharon G District 9 Chair.