Good afternoon, I am an alcoholic, I’m a member of the Lunch Bunch Group in Plantation, my sobriety date is February 26th, 2009, and my name is Sherri.
Welcome to District 9’s monthly General Service Business Meeting. If you are new and not yet on our mailing list, please check the chat for a link to today’s agenda so you can follow along.
Concerning our next Area 15 Assembly, a very important poll will be conducted later after elections. An email with detailed updates and information the Assembly from January 14th – 16th at the Sarasota Hyatt was sent. If you have not received it a link to the information sheet will be put into the chat shortly so you can get up to speed as well as a link to the flyer. Please read the information carefully, and we will go over the details later before we take the poll, but the short version is that hybrid is not a consideration as the cost is extremely high. If the majority, choose virtual then Area 15 will have to pay $31.240.00 in penalties but if the majority choose in-person with a much lower room attrition we would be safe as we have almost met that number already. The banquets are where we will need the most help though, the January Assembly Banquet Committee is asking for everyone who will be purchasing a banquet ticket to go onto their website:, scroll down to the middle of the page and click on “Quarterly Information”, where you can fill out some information and reserve your banquet ticket. They are not taking payments just yet, but they are urging members to please reserve a ticket to help them get a count and to make it easier for when they open up purchases.
The 65th Florida State Convention is being held right here in our backyard, at the beautiful Harbor Beach Marriott on Ft Lauderdale Beach from August 3rd – 7th 2022 and they need our support. Early registrations ensure an awesome, fun filled convention! There are 32 committees that need both individual and group volunteers. Everything you need to know can be found at:
SSAASA (Southern States Alcoholics Anonymous Service Assembly) is being held virtually next weekend, November 19th – 20th and it’s free but you still need to register in order to receive the meeting code and password. Flyer and FAQ sheet in the chat. To register go to
We will be conducting district elections for General Service Representatives and Alternate District Committee Members if there are any, that have completed their two year term and are ready to rotate down the service triangle, as well as elections for: Treasurer, Literature, Intergroup Liaison, Institutions Liaison, Room & Ride Coordinator, and Carry the Message Day. A summary of the process along with descriptions and requirements will be put in the chat. If you are willing, and have the time to serve one of these committees, we urge you to stand. Remember, God does not call the qualified, he qualifies the called. You don’t need to know how to do the job perfectly, all you have to do is be willing to grow.
Please don’t hesitate to send your comments, questions, or concerns to me at: can also call or text me at: (954) 681-2309, I am here to serve you.
Thank you for being here today, very grateful to be serving District 9, where A.A. is so Divine.