Good afternoon, I am an alcoholic, I’m a member of the Lunch Bunch Group in Plantation, my sobriety date is February 26th, 2009, and my name is Sherri.

Welcome to District 9’s monthly General Service Business Meeting. If you are new and not yet on our mailing list, please check the chat for a link to today’s agenda so you can follow along.

Reminder for new and not so new GSR’s that just prior to this meeting from 12:30 – 1:45 we have a GSR Workshop. Many of your questions, thoughts and ideas are addressed there. Elias will have more about that later.

An email was sent out to everyone concerning our Area 15 October Assembly from the 8th – the 10th, it is being held entirely virtual beginning with a speaker meeting Friday evening October 8th, workshops, and meetings all throughout the day on Saturday with another speaker meeting in the evening and then beginning on Sunday morning the 10th with early bird meetings and the Area 15 business meeting starting promptly at 9:00 AM. Which means that at 9 AM you are ready to go and for that to happen we need for you to sign in EARLY so the Virtual Hosts can get everyone renamed and in their breakout rooms. The meeting will open at 8 AM, you can sign on, turn off your video, then go have breakfast, walk the dog, take a shower, whatever you need to do just sign on so we can get as organized as possible as early as possible and secure an accurate vote count for voting purposes.

The October Assembly program, re-naming announcement and agenda have been emailed out, if you did not receive them, please send the secretary a message and he will get that straightened out. There are 3 motions being considered, please bring these considerations back to your groups business meetings to make sure you are bringing your groups voice with you in October. Our amazing Tech Host has undoubtedly put links to those documents into the chat already.

The 65th Florida State Convention is being held right here in our backyard again, at the beautiful Harbor Beach Marriott right on Ft Lauderdale Beach from August 3rd – 7th 2022 and they need our support. Registration is open and you should know that if you plan on staying at the hotel you should call and book your room ASAP as they are 76% full already. There are 32 committees that need both individual and group volunteers. Everything you need to know can be found at:

Later in the agenda we will hold our monthly district elections for General Service Representatives and Alternate District Committee Members if there are any, that have completed their two year term and are ready to rotate down the service triangle.

Speaking of elections, I need to remind everyone that we will be having elections next month. Committee’s that are open or that have chairpersons rotating out are: Literature, PI/CPC (Public Information / Cooperation with the Professional Community), Archives, Room & Ride Coordinator, Carry the Message Day, Intergroup Liaison, Institutions Liaison, and a Founder’s Day Picnic Chairperson. Descriptions and requirements can be found in our District Guidelines that are on our website at: Please take some time to ask yourself if you are willing and have the time to serve one of these committees. Speak with your service sponsor (everyone has a service sponsor, right?) and pray, God always answers. I was told early on in my service career that God does not call the qualified, he qualifies the called. You don’t need to know how to do the job, all you have to do is be willing to grow.

Please don’t hesitate to send your comments, questions, or concerns to any of us, we are here to serve you. I can be reached by email at: or by phone at: (954) 681-2309.

Thank you all for being here today, so grateful to serve District 9, where A.A. is Divine.