Good afternoon, I am an alcoholic, my sobriety date is February 26th, 2009, I am a proud new member of the Lunch Bunch in Plantation, and my name is Sherri.
Welcome to District 9’s monthly General Service Business Meeting. If you are new here today and not yet on our mailing list, please check the chat for a link to today’s agenda so you can follow along. It’s full of great information and you can take notes on it to bring back to your group for announcements and content for your groups business meetings. Keep coming back so we can continue to help you, help your groups!
Today just prior to this meeting we had our first combined GSR & DCM Workshop, where we highlighted the upcoming July Area Assembly and business meeting agenda as well as give Committee Members and GSR’s a chance to be more interactive.
Our Area 15 General Service Assembly is being held July 16th – 18th and will be 100% virtual so there is no excuse not to be there. The program has been emailed out along with a copy of the agenda and I’m sure your amazing Virtual Tech Coordinator Chair has also put links to them in the chat as well. The one motion that was on the agenda has been withdrawn by the motion maker with the support of his District. Some reasoning behind this decision, that advisory action #32 of the 71st General Service Conference clearly and definitively acknowledges the right of participation of online groups in the service structure of AA. Also, that no action need be taken at this time due to the fact that when it comes to our Areas Current Practice, online groups already participate in the General Service structure through membership in their Districts.
We will hold district elections later for a Grapevine Chair and for General Service Representatives as well as Alternate District Committee Members if there are any, that are rotating down the triangle.
The committee and volunteers for the 64th Florida State Convention in Jacksonville are extremely excited and ready to host an awesome event for you, If you are ready to get out and about then I sure hope you will register and help support them. The Convention is August 5th – 8th, go to to get all the information you need!
Do not hesitate to send your comments, questions, or concerns to any of us, we are here to serve you. I can be reached by email at: or by phone at: (954) 681-2309.
Thank you for your service and all you do. I am incredibly grateful to serve District 9, where A.A. is Divine